Workshop objective
Recently much effort has been directed to investigation of the fundamental physics which exploits remarkable developments in atomic physics and/or quantum optics techniques. Examples include (A)test of the time reversal invariance by observing permanent electric dipole moments of atoms or molecules, (B)neutrino mass spectroscopy using atoms, (C)measurement of fine structure constant’s time dependence with precession atomic clock etc.. This conference aims to bring together recent research results, to discuss future prospects, and to expand research network, making this field more active and productive.
Name | Affiliation |
Noboru Sasao | Okayama Univeristy |
Koichiro Asahi | RIKEN |
Yasuhiro Sakemi | CNS, Univeristy of Tokyo |
Kazuhiko Sugiyama | Kyoto Univeristy |
Hirohiko Shimizu | Nagoya University |
Motohiko Yoshimura | Okayama Univeristy |
Yuichi Ichikawa | RIKEN |
Takamasa Momose | UBC |
Kazuo Tanaka | CYRIC, Tohoku University |
Koji Yoshimura | Okayama Univeristy |
Takeshi Fukuyama | RCNP, Osaka Univeristy |
Masaaki Kitaguchi | Nagoya University |
Conference fee: Free
Reception fee: 3000 yen
Lunch box (Jan 8th): 1000 yen
Time | Speaker | Affiliation | Title |
Session1 (Chair:Koji YOSHIMURA) | |||
10:00~10:05 | Hirohiko SHIMIZU | Nagoya univ. | Welcome Speech |
10:05~10:45 | Junji HISANO | Nagoya univ. | Probing the TeV scale and beyond with EDMs |
10:45~11:15 | Shinsuke KAWASAKI | KEK | neutron electric dipole search at TRIUMF |
11:15~11:40 | Hiroshi OHKI | Nara Women's univ. | Nucleon Electric Dipole Moments from Lattice QCD |
11:40~12:00 | Kazuo TANAKA | Tohoku univ. | Laser trapping of francium for the electron Electric-Dipole-Moment search |
12:00~12:20 | Minori ABE | Tokyo Metropolitan univ. | Relativistic calculations of parity and time reversal violation effects in molecules |
12:20~13:50 | lunch | ||
Session2 (Chair:Kazuhiko SUGIYAMA) | |||
13:50~14:30 | Lars von der Wense | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München | Recent progress towards the development of a 229Th-based nuclear clock |
14:30~14:50 | Akihiro YOSHIMI | Okayama univ. | Nuclear resonant scattering with high-brilliance X-ray for Thorium-229 isomer studies |
14:50~15:20 | Noriaki OHMAE | RIKEN | Frequency comparison of optical lattice clocks |
15:20~15:40 | Yasutaka IMAI | Kyoto univ. | Improvement of single-ion spectroscopy of quadrupole transitions in ytterbium ions towards search for temporal variation of the fine structure constant |
15:40~16:00 | Masatoshi KAJITA | NICT | Search of the variation in the proton-to-electron mass ratio using two vibrational transition frequencies of molecular ions |
16:00~16:30 | coffee | ||
Session3 (Chair:Yuichi ICHIKAWA) | |||
16:30~17:10 | Francois Nez | Laboratoire Kastler Brossel,CNRS,UPMC | Laser spectroscopy of muonic atoms : determination of nuclear structures |
17:10~17:30 | Sohtaro KANDA | RIKEN | TPrecision laser spectroscopy of the ground-state hyperfine splitting in muonic hydrogen atom |
17:30~18:00 | Toshimi SUDA | Tohoku univ. | Proton charge Radius by electron scattering under the lowest-ever momentum transfer |
18:00~18:20 | Toya TANAKA | Tokyo univ. | Development of muonium hyperfine structure measurement with high magnetic field |
18:20~18:40 | Takashi YAMANAKA | Kyushu univ. | Muon g-2/EDM measurement at J-PARC |
18:40~19:00 | picture and poster and coffee | ||
19:00~21:00 | party with poster |
Time | Speaker | Affiliation | Title |
Session4 (Chair:Yasuhiro SAKEMI) | |||
09:00~9:20 | Kenji MISHIMA | KEK | Measurement of neutron lifetime by using pulsed neutron beam |
09:20~9:40 | Tamaki YOSHIOKA | Kyushu univ. | A Search for deviations from the inverse square law of gravity at nm range using a pulsed neutron beam |
09:40~10:10 | Vladimir Gudkov | University of South Carolina | Time-Reversal Invariance Violation in Nuclei |
10:10~10:40 | Bowman David | ORNL | Search for time reversal invariance violation in neutron transmission |
10:40~11:00 | Masaaki KITAGUCHI | Nagoya univ. | Search for T-violation effects in compound neutron resonance at J-PARC |
11:00~11:30 | coffee | ||
Session5 (Chair:Koichiro ASAHI) | |||
11:30~12:10 | Kiyotomo ICHIKI | Nagoya univ. | The current status of the Lambda-CDM model |
12:10~12:35 | Motohiko YOSHIMURA | Okayama univ. | New method of galactic axion search |
12:35~13:00 | Noboru SASAO | Okayama univ. | TRACA- a new way to track axions |
13:00~14:30 | lunch | ||
Session6 (Chair:Takeshi FUKUYAMA) | |||
14:30~14:55 | Minoru TANAKA | Osaka univ. | Implication of initial spatial phase in the coherent radiative neutrino pair emission |
14:55~15:15 | Takahiro HIRAKI | Okayama univ. | Coherently amplified multi-photon emission toward the neutrino mass spectroscopy |
15:15~15:35 | Piotr Morzynski | Nicolaus Copernicus University, NICT | Optical atomic clock as a detector for topological defect dark matter |
15:35~16:05 | coffee | ||
Session7 (Chair:Satoshi UETAKE) | |||
16:05~16:30 | Yasuhiro YAMAMOTO | Yonsei univ. | Probing new intra-atomic force with isotope shifts |
16:30~17:00 | Thomas Busch | Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University | Quantum state preparation in interacting quantum gases |
17:00~17:05 | Noboru SASAO | Okayama univ. | Closing address |
Name | Affiliation | Title |
Hiroto FUJISAKI | Kyoto univ. | Clear out of the 2D5/2 state using optical frequency comb for fast detection of the 2D1/2 - 2D5/2 transition in Ba+ |
Hideaki HARA | Okayama univ. | Coherence Generation by Counter-Propagating Photons Towards Neutrino Mass Spectroscopy |
Ken-ichi HARADA | Tohoku univ. | Laser frequency stabilization using iodine molecule spectroscopy with frequency modulation at 3.5 GHz for magneto-optical trapping of francium atoms |
Tetsuya IDO | NICT | Time scale signal at 1e-16 level generating 24h/7d |
Takeshi INOUE | Tohoku univ. | Magnetometry toward fundamental physics and medical science |
Kohei ISHIZAKI | Nagoya univ. | Expected angular correlation terms of 139La(n,gamma) for T-violation search |
Takahisa ITABASHI | Osaka univ. | Introduction of merging beam techniques for fundamental physics |
Keito ITO | Kyoto univ. | Difference of electron chirality between enantiomers and the origin of biomolecular homochirality |
Young-Dae JUNG | Hanyang univ. | Renormalization plasma screening effects on the electron-impact ionization process in dense partially ionized plasmas |
Hirokazu KAWAMURA | Tohoku univ. | Production of francium beam through the surface ionization |
Masayoshi KITAO | Osaka univ. | Generation of anharmonic potential for isospaced ionstrings with a planar trap |
Myoung-Jae LEE | Hanyang univ. | Renormalization plasma screening effects on the electron-impact ionization process in dense partially ionized plasmas |
Mitsuhiro NAKAMURA | Osaka univ. | Characterization of a planar trap fabricated on a SiO2 substrate |
Nozomi OHTSUBO | NICT | Frequency measurement of the clock transition of an indium ion simultaneously trapped with calcium ions |
Koichi OKAI | Okayama univ. | Study on control of higher-order QED processes using Xe atoms |
Takayuki OKU | Japan Atomic Energy Agency | Development of a spin-exchange optical pumping 3He neutron spin filter at J-PARC |
Sho Okubo | Okayama univ. | Development of high time resolution X-ray detector system for Nuclear Resonant Scattering of Thorium-229 |
Ryota Ozaki | Okayama univ. | 「Study on X-ray beam focusing system for 229-Thorium nuclear resonance scattering search」 |
Akitada SAKURAI | Tokyo institute of technology | Relativistic Theory of the electric dipole moment of xenon atom and preliminary result |
Obiko SATO | Okayama univ. | A laser system for control of higher-order QED processes using Xe atoms |
Ayaki SUNAGA | Tokyo Metoropolitan univ. | Analysis of enhancement factors of electron EDM and scalar-pseudoscalar interaction for atoms and molecules |
Kenta SUZUKI | Okayama univ. | Lifetime measurement of second-excited state of 229-Thorium for low-lying isomer search |
Toshiki Takahashi | Kyoto univ. | Effective electric field for measurement of electron electric dipole |
Aiko UCHIYAMA | Tohoku univ. | Dual isotope transfer in a double magneto-optical trap system for cooled rubidium co-magnetometer toward search for electron electric dipole moment |
Yasuhiro UENO | Tokyo univ. | Precision Spectroscopy of Muonium Atom at Very Weak Field |
Kota YANASE | Saitama univ. | Nuclear Schiff moment of 199Hg in the nuclear shell model |
Yoshihito KUNO | Kyoto univ. | Dynamical Quantum Phase transition and Kibble-Zurek mechanism in two dimensional Bose-Hubbard model |
Naotaka YOSHINAGA | Saitama univ. | Nuclear EDMs of Xe and Hg isotopes in the nuclear shell model |
Yuya UCHIDA | Nagoya univ. | Measurement of Pendellösung interference fringes using the pulsed neutron beams to search for the neutron EDM by the crystal diffraction |
Name | Affiliation |
Yasuhiro Sakemi | University of Tokyo |
Masatoshi Kajita | NICT |
Toru Iijima | Nagoya University |
Thomas Busch | Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University |
Masato Senami | Kyoto University |
Toya Tanaka | University of Tokyo |
Noriaki Ohmae | RIKEN |
Takeshi Fukuyama | Osaka University |
Takatoshi Aoki | University of Tokyo |
Piotr Morzynski | Nicolaus Copernicus University |
Kazuo Tanaka | Tohoku University |
Atsushi Hatakeyama | Tokyo University Agriculture and Technology |
Kichiji Hatanaka | Osaka University |
Yuichi Ichikawa | RIKEN |
Eiji Nakamura | KEK |
Takehiko Asaka | Niigata University |
Motohiko Yoshimura | Okayama University |
Tetsuya Ido | NICT |
Tatsuro Oda | Kyoto University |
Takayuki Oku | Japan Atomic Energy Agency |
Keito Ito | Kyoto University |
Yasuhiro Ueno | University of Tokyo |
Kazuhiko Sugiyama | Kyoto University |
Kuno Yoshihito | Kyoto University |
Hirokazu Kawamura | Tohoku University |
Nozomi Ohtsubo | NICT |
Uchida Yuya | Nagoya university |
Takahiko Masuda | Okayama University |
Noboru Sasao | Okayama University |
Itoh Shigeyasu | Nagoya University |
Toshiki Takahashi | Kyoto University |
Kazuhiro Hayasaka | NICT |
Hiroshi Ohki | Nara Womens University |
Koichiro Asahi | RIKEN |
Ayaki Sunaga | Tokyo Metropolitan University |
Takeshi Inoue | Tohoku University |
Takahiro Hiraki | Okayama University |
Sohtaro Kanda | RIKEN |
Yuki Miyamoto | Okayama University |
Akihiro Yoshimi | Okayama University |
Mishima Kenji | KEK |
Yasuhiro Yamamoto | Yonsei University |
Satoshi Uetake | Okayama University |
Eiji Nakamura | KEK |
Yutaka Shikano | University of Tokyo |
Takahisa Itahashi | Osaka University |
Hiroki Nagahama | RIKEN |
Minoru Tanaka | Osaka University |
Koichiro Shimomura | KEK |
Shinsuke Kawasaki | IPNS |
Obiko Sato | Okayama University |
Ozaki Ryota | Okayama University |
Koji Tsumura | Kyoto University |
Kenta Suzuki | Okayama University |
Koichi Okai | Okayama University |
Ken-ichi Harada | Tohoku University |
Aiko Uchiyama | Tohoku University |
Mitsuhiro Nakamura | Osaka university |
Yasutaka Imai | Kyoto University |
Sho Okubo | Okayama University |
Akira Fujieda | Okayama University |
Hideaki Hara | Okayama University |
Masayoshi Kitao | Osaka University |
Kei Imamura | Okayama University |
Naotaka Yoshinaga | Saitama University |
Kota Yanase | Saitama University |
Takumi Sato | University of Tokyo |
Koji Yoshimura | Okayama University |
Tomoya Sato | RIKEN |
Kohei Ishizaki | Nagoya University |
Yusuke Shimomura | University of Tokyo |
Hiroto Fujisaki | Kyoto University |
Takashi Yamanaka | Kyushu University |
Masaaki Kitaguchi | Nagoya University |
Bowman David | ORNL |
Vladimir Gudkov | University of South Carolina |
Kazuyuki Ogata | Osaka University |
Das Ghanu Pratap | Tokyo Institute of Technology |
Akitada Sakurai | Tokyo Institute of Technology |
Toshimi Suda | Tohoku University |
Kiyotomo Ichiki | Nagoya University |
Junji Hisano | Nagoya University |
Minori Abe | Tokyo Metropolitan University |
Utako Tanaka | Osaka University |
Nagoya Univeristy, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku,
Nagoya, 464-0814
- Take the Subway Higashiyama Line to Motoyama Sta. (15 minutes), then transfer to the Subway Meijo Line to Nagoya Daigaku Sta. (Higashiyama Campus is just off the subway exit.).
- Take the Meitetsu Line to Kanayama Sta. (30 min.), then transfer to the Subway Meijyo Line to Nagoya Daigaku Sta. (21 min.).